Torsdag aften (dansk tid) afholdt Facebook deres årlige f8 developer conference hvor nye tiltag præsenteres. Og i år blev der annonceret store ændringer. Inden længe får alle Facebook brugere helt nyt profil design – nemlig den nye Facebook Timeline. En tidslinje som gør det muligt at vise minder fra hele sit liv. Og måske en god måde at genopleve alt det indhold der gemmer sig om os på Facebook.

Af Charlotte Østergaard Jørgensen

Gennem de sidste par uger har Facebook brugere skulle vænne sig til mange nye tiltag. Vi har fået ændringer i vores nyhedsfeed, fået en såkaldt ‘ticker’, fået nye vennelister og mulighed for at abonnere på andres nyheder på Facebook. Men der skal mere til – Nemlig et helt nyt profildesign.

Allerede her til aften har de første fået adgang til beta-udgaven af den nye Facebook Timeline. Det er primært Facebook udviklere der har fået adgang, og til at starte med er det kun andre udviklere der kan se deres nye profildesign. Men Facebook annoncerede til f8 konferencen, at Timeline bliver rullet ud til alle brugere over de næste par uger.

Se mere om den nye Facebook Timeline her og i videoen herunder:

Som du kan se, skal der “fyldes” en del indhold på den nye Timeline – mange vil i hvert fald nok tænke, “gad vide hvordan min kommer til at se ud”. Men bare rolig… Når man får mulighed for at prøve Timeline, vælger man selv om den skal publiceres med det samme, eller om man vil bruge et par dage på at “lave” sin helt rigtige Timeline.

Læs endnu mere om Facebook Timeline på Facebook’s blog her.

Kan du ikke vente?

Kan du ikke vente med at få lov til at prøve Timeline til det bliver tilgængeligt for alle? TechCrunch har her lavet en guide til hvordan du allerede nu, kan få lov at prøve det nye profildesign. Dog advarer de imod eventuelle fejl og lignende i systemet, da Timeline jo indtil videre er forbeholdt udviklere.

Ny open graph – nye muligheder med apps

Facebook Timeline var ikke den eneste nyhed på årets f8 konference. En ny open graph giver helt nye muligheder for integration med applikationer, således at vi ikke længere behøver at ‘like’ noget for at dele det med vores venner. Fremover bliver det muligt blot at dele hvilken musik man lytter til, hvilken artikel man læser, hvilken film man ser osv. Som Mark Zuckerberg sagde i sin præsentation, så har vi sikkert allesammen set mange flere film end vi vil ‘like’ på Facebook.

Og det stopper ikke der. Nye samarbejder med bl.a. musiktjenesten Spotify, videotjenester som hulu og Netflix samt nyhedstjenester som The Guardian, Yahoo og The Economist vil i fremtiden gøre det muligt at høre musik, se film, læse nyheder og meget mere direkte på Facebook gennem en ny type applikationer. En ny type apps som gør det muligt at se hvad vores venner fx lytter til lige nu, høre det samme musik samtidigt og kommentere på det.

Se mere om de nye muligheder i videoen herunder:

Hold dig opdateret

Følg med i vores kommende nyhedsbreve hvor vi løbende vil holde dig opdateret om ændringerne på Facebook.

2 Svar
  1. Peter Kjær

    Læs også AdAge artikel

    Facebook Unveils New Breed of Media Apps at F8
    Netflix, Spotify, The Daily and Others Will Allow People to Share What They Watch, Listen to and Read

    By: Cotton Delo Published: September 22, 2011
    Facebook announced a new breed of social apps offered by a range of media brands from Netflix and Hulu to Spotify and the Washington Post at its F8 conference in San Francisco today.

    Facebook fan band page
    The new apps allow users to consume content within Facebook’s platform and share what they’re watching, listening to or reading in real-time. Advertisers will be able to target Facebook users based on the kinds of content they’ve viewed or shared via the new apps, which will feature “listened,” “watched” and “read” buttons.

    New content on Facebook could make it a more compelling sell to marketers. “Anything that increases engagement on Facebook, and captures more user data, will drive up ad revenues,” said Hussein Fazal, CEO of Ad Parlor. “The announcements today definitely hit both of these key points.”

    Earlier this week, eMarketer predicted Facebook would earn $3.8 billion from advertising this year.

    Details were scarce on how media companies would earn money from their Facebook apps, but a person with knowledge of News Corp’s The Daily’s app said it will be ad-supported and become more integrated with the iPad subscription product over time.

    The Washington Post’s Social Reader, for example, allows users who click to opt in for access to a curated selection of stories from the Post (whose CEO Donald Graham is also a Facebook board member) and content partners like the Associated Press, Reuters and Slate. Stories don’t link out to the publisher and can be read within Facebook. And personalized recommendations will be generated based on what users and their friends have previously read, as well as by their interests on Facebook. Content they read on the app will be posted to their profiles and to their friends’ news feeds.

    When asked about the revenue model for Social Reader, a Washington Post spokeswoman said, via email, “The focus right now is on getting people to use it.”

    Another app, iHeartRadio, lets users add their music listening activity to their Facebook profile and enable their friends to see which artists, songs and stations they’re tuned into. A spokeswoman for Clear Channel, the company behind iHeartRadio, said the company was declining to comment on the revenue model for the partnership.

    Spotify CEO Daniel Ek billed its new Facebook app a coup for the music industry.

    “Napster didn’t work for the music industry,” he said of his music streaming and sharing service. “We spent the last few years building a service that fairly compensated the music industry.”

    On stage after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Mr. Ek reported that Spotify users who connect to Facebook tend to listen to more music and a wider variety of music within his service. (Spotify users can see what playlists and artists their Facebook friends are listening to from within the Spotify desktop application.) That social set are also twice as likely to pay for music, he said.

    “Social discovery on Facebook is bringing people back to paying for music,” Mr. Ek said of the new Facebook app, which streams what friends are listening to on Spotify straight to Facebook’s mini-feed ticker on one’s homepage.

    Netflix founder Reed Hastings — also on Facebook’s board — told F8 attendees that Mark Zuckerberg said he would consider the new social graph a success if it doubled Netflix’s growth forecast. The Netflix app isn’t currently available in the U.S. due to a privacy law that prohibits disclosure of users’ movie-rental history.

    While the media apps announcement is generating plenty of buzz, it remains to be seen whether Facebook users will turn to the social-networking site directly for news, despite the tremendous referral traffic (second to Google) it generates.

    “I don’t think that when news breaks, people are rushing into Facebook to see what happened,” said Steve Rubel, exec VP-global strategy at Edelman, noting that news junkies are more likely to turn to Google, Twitter and actual news sites.

    “In terms of movies and music — those are much more social experiences, but the question is: Will consumers make the mindset shift to say, I’m going to go to Facebook to consume media?” he added.


    Yahoo! News
    WaPo Social Reader
    The Daily
    The Independent

    Contributing: Kunur Patel

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The Evolution og the Facebook Profile

Mashable har lavet denne rejse "down memory lane" hvor vi gennemgår Facebook profilens udvikling, fra den allerførste profil på "thefacebook" til den spritnye Facebook Timeline anno 2011.
Se udviklingen her