
Nicolai Hæggelin

The value of visible experts within your industry

Many companies wish to have visible experts, also known as thought leaders, present on LinkedIn. This both benefits the company, the employees’ brand, and contributes to better premises for a strong positioning. But how do you become a visible expert? What does it take, and how do you keep nurturing this position? In this article, we present you with the...
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The value of the LinkedIn SSI score

One of the questions I am often asked from customers is, “What is the true value of the SSI score?”. The answer to that question is not simple but complex, and thus the basis for this article. However, there is no doubt that the SSI score can be an insightful tool to measure your performance on LinkedIn and give an...
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How to attach files to LinkedIn messages

Sending attachments in LinkedIn messages is no more complicated than it is in any other messaging system, but there are some important differences to be aware of. NB: This article is updated the 12th of june 2017. Start the same way you would with an ordinary LinkedIn message (go to “messaging” and choose the “compose a new message” icon). Type...
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The challenges of Social Selling

Even though social selling might sound like a simple philosophy, it can be a bumpy road to success. Some sales people expect that marketing can ensure that social selling succeeds, which is a huge mistake. It is important to understand that the prerequisite for social selling is that you, as a commercial profile, build up and maintain your network yourself. Working...
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Social Selling with LinkedIn

Social Selling will be a relatively new concept for some, but it is a natural fusion between enrichment and the ability to commercialize. Commercialization is amongst others the ability to find the appropriate decision-makers in a company both in the first and second degree. This implies that the sender has built up trust and credibility within their network and groups,...
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LinkedIn plays a major role in your meetings

Today’s requirements for professional meetings in the B2B market are undergoing rapid development. The time that both a potential or existing client has is extremely limited. I plan for my meetings to last approximately 45 minutes (although 60 minutes is often set aside), but by the time we drink coffee and pleasantries are exchanged, time is nearly up. If I...
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