
Nicolai Hæggelin

This is how your AI generated content becomes more human

If you use artificial intelligence to contribute to content production, especially articles and SEO-optimized content, keep in mind that Google, for example, prioritizes high-quality content. Remember, if your AI-generated content is informative, engaging, and useful, then you’re on the right track. AI is a powerful tool that can enhance the quality of your content. However, it is often a challenge...
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Social Selling in 2023: The right balance between automation and human interaction

With the rise of AI and automation, LinkedIn has also been hit by a tsunami of communication that can quickly become painful to look at or receive.  “Is Social Selling still relevant in 2023?” is often a question I am asked by management, who continuously must prioritize which sales activities the organization should focus on.
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Two new changes to LinkedIn’s algorithm

LinkedIn has implemented changes to the algorithm recently, impacting the potential visibility of your posts. To boost your reach, it’s crucial to focus on sharing “knowledge and advice.”
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What is a product tab on LinkedIn?

The ‘Products’ tab on LinkedIn is back. LinkedIn has launched a new tab for Company Pages. This will create a specific space for businesses to showcase their products and highlight relevant features on LinkedIn.
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The Hybrid B2B Sales Model

The old sales model has shifted into a hybrid approach where interactions are mainly done through different channels (like video, audio, phone, social media), the Hybrid B2B Sales Model.
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Virtuel Video Selling

The value of Video Selling

The environment and conditions for salespeople are constantly developing and changing. People and organizations are more geographically spread, and the use of digital remedies highly characterizes work methods – especially the importance of using videos has increased. This includes different video conferencing solutions such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex. Due to this, Video Selling has emerged and gained more...
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What are LinkedIn polls?

I am delighted that LinkedIn has again added polls as a possible post option after many years of absence. Creating a poll post has many options and a great potential for involvement.
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LinkedIn Algorithm – How does it work?

LinkedIn is a great place to get your content seen by a broader audience, but what should you consider to maximize your future personal post-exposure? One question I constantly get when I’m working with clients, both physically and virtually, is: How does the LinkedIn algorithm actually work? There is no easy answer to this question, surprise!
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The Sales Director’s Guide to LinkedIn

More and more Sales Directors are now using the Social Selling approach to strengthen relations with potential and existing customers on LinkedIn. Times have changed, and so has the sales model. This guide will provide you with an overview of the essential points to consider for a successful LinkedIn journey.
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The Director’s Guide to LinkedIn

What are the most important things to have in mind when using LinkedIn as a Director? Where in the company should you place the responsibility for LinkedIn? In this article, I will guide you, as a leader, through LinkedIn.
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