The 4 important elements of your Company Page

Your cover photo

Far too many companies forget about their cover photo as soon as it has been posted on their Company Page. And too often, the image used as cover photo is one that was posted without much thinking when the page was initially created – or maybe just an enlarged version of the company logo. The cover photo is one of the first things one sees when viewing a LinkedIn Company Page. Therefore, the cover photo is an important element in creating an atmosphere or to match expectations. Thus, you should consider what your cover photo should be used for:

  • Focus on employer branding – e.g. a photo with people that might signal “team spirit”
  • Visibility of your values through words and pictures
  • A description of what your company has to offer
  • Overview of the brands that are part of your company
  • Or something completely different.

Remember that a cover photo may contain both text and images, depending on what you want the page to embrace and what the goal is with your LinkedIn presence. All of it can be done in a program such as Photoshop.

Format for a LinkedIn cover photo: 646 x 220 pixels – Maximum 2 MB. PNG, JPEG, or GIF.

Description of the Company

Your company description should contain between 250 and 2,000 characters, and for many, this requires making a few changes – maybe even starting from scratch. LinkedIn automatically shorten the text after the first 2 lines, and then the user must click on “See more” to read the rest of the description. And honestly, how many actually do this? Therefore, make sure that your description is optimized in terms of:

  • The most important information should be in the first 2 lines
  • Your description should contain relevant keywords to make your page rank higher in Google’s search results
  • Your text should not require constant updating. There is e.g. a big difference between “Over the past 5 years, we have…” or “Since 2010, we have…”

Also consider whether your audience is coming from several countries. If that is the case you may need to create multiple language versions of the description.

Updates from the page

An empty and inactive page is almost as bad as no page at all. Unfortunately, few people are sitting home on a Thursday evening thinking “I wonder what Digital Works is doing on LinkedIn – I’ll just go and check out their LinkedIn Page.” But users are on LinkedIn – on their newsfeed, where we all continuously satisfy our curiosity and stay updated on job changes in our network, news, and similar. Many company pages already have many followers, and the followers have actively chosen to hear from you – then, why not feeding them with some news?

Great amplifying on LinkedIn
As a starting point, the news you post on your company page is shared with all of those who have chosen to follow you on LinkedIn. But if just one person likes, shares, or comments on a post, they share it with their own network. Therefore, one can achieve a high degree of organic reach on LinkedIn, as compared to other social media.

Purchase increased visibility to a relevant audience
On LinkedIn, as on most other social media, you can purchase increased visibility. On LinkedIn, this feature is called Sponsored Updates. With this feature, you can make selected updates appear in the newsfeed of e.g. HR people in the Copenhagen area or whatever group you would like to “target.” Among others, you can segment your audience by:

  • Company name or company size
  • Branch and function
  • Title or skills on the personal profile
  • Age and gender.

Consideration of Showcase Pages

The Showcase Pages is a kind of “sub-pages”, which are a great opportunity to work more segmented with your content and your target audiences. For some, Showcase Pages can be a great way to present the company’s brands, whereas for others it may be a good way to work with thought leadership. The possibilities are many, but each page on LinkedIn must have a unique name. For some, it is important to consider – very soon – whether Showcase Pages may be the way to go.

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