

10 important things on your personal LinkedIn profile

A professional LinkedIn profile should thoroughly express who you are, your skills, competencies, and employment history. In this article, we present you with 10 important things to remember for appearing professional on your personal LinkedIn profile.
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What are LinkedIn polls?

I am delighted that LinkedIn has again added polls as a possible post option after many years of absence. Creating a poll post has many options and a great potential for involvement.
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LinkedIn Algorithm – How does it work?

LinkedIn is a great place to get your content seen by a broader audience, but what should you consider to maximize your future personal post-exposure? One question I constantly get when I’m working with clients, both physically and virtually, is: How does the LinkedIn algorithm actually work? There is no easy answer to this question, surprise!
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Social Selling in Action – GLI Business Case

When did you last feel that one of your LinkedIn connections had a sincere interest in offering professional inspiration without an obvious motive? Could that actually be transformed into concrete actions within your company? Through enrichment, you can create strong connections and ambassadors in the market, and that’s when the Social Selling outcome takes place.
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The Sales Director’s Guide to LinkedIn

More and more Sales Directors are now using the Social Selling approach to strengthen relations with potential and existing customers on LinkedIn. Times have changed, and so has the sales model. This guide will provide you with an overview of the essential points to consider for a successful LinkedIn journey.
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The Director’s Guide to LinkedIn

What are the most important things to have in mind when using LinkedIn as a Director? Where in the company should you place the responsibility for LinkedIn? In this article, I will guide you, as a leader, through LinkedIn.
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The HR Manager’s Guide to LinkedIn

More and more companies are using LinkedIn for recruiting and employer branding, but it can be a jungle to navigate through the vast possibilities. This article will provide you with a complete guide on how HR Managers can use LinkedIn for a successful HR journey.
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New Features on LinkedIn in 2021

LinkedIn is constantly changing and updating its features and functionalities. In this article we will show the new functions as for 2021.
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What is a LinkedIn cover story?

The most exciting part about each and every LinkedIn member is related to the journey behind each profile. We are different; we have different skills and goals, different ways of approaching potential or existing customers, or hiring managers. Through this new feature, the LinkedIn cover story, you can record a short video (max. 30 seconds) where you can share your...
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The value of visible experts within your industry

Many companies wish to have visible experts, also known as thought leaders, present on LinkedIn. This both benefits the company, the employees’ brand, and contributes to better premises for a strong positioning. But how do you become a visible expert? What does it take, and how do you keep nurturing this position? In this article, we present you with the...
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