
Digital Works
Virtuel Video Selling

Reach out to your customers with video content

Does video content take part in your SoMe strategy? If not, we recommend you to reconsider including videos in your SoMe practice. Videos are, in fact, a unique tool to communicate with your audience regardless of whether you want to create awareness of your brand, sell a specific product or service, or focus on sharing knowledge. Videos are easy to...
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El valor de los líderes de pensamiento en tu organización

¿Tienes algún líder de pensamiento presente en tu organización? Los líderes de pensamiento pueden crear visibilidad para tu empresa, destacar la marca y aumentar la captación de clientes. Un líder de opinión o pensamiento es un individuo cuya experiencia en un área determinada es muy respetada y demandada por compañeros de trabajo, clientes, competidores e incluso personas externas. Son personas...
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Upgrade your Company Page with LinkedIn’s newest features

Are you administrating a Company Page on LinkedIn, and do you want to stay on top of the latest updates from LinkedIn? Then read along here. Several LinkedIn Company Pages features have recently been unveiled or are currently rolling out that can help you take your business or organization to the next level. We have created a quick overview of...
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e-mail marketing

Newsletter: Calculate and understand your Return on Investment

Is your newsletter a good business? Find out by calculating your ROI – Return on Investment. But first, you must be aware that the result depends on your goals for your newsletter. Is your goal to make your audience sign up on your web page or to sell a specific product? And what is the value of a conversion?
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Establish KPIs and measure the performance of your newsletter

Do you keep an eye on how your newsletter is performing? Like your other marketing activities, measuring your email marketing campaign’s performance is essential. You can measure this through a couple of relevant KPIs, Key Performance Indicators. Use the KPIs to create goals for your email campaign and compare the performances of your newsletters. 
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Is email marketing still relevant?

When we talk about online marketing today, we tend to focus on social media, but that doesn’t mean email marketing is less valuable. Several surveys are saying the opposite. According to Emarsys, more than 81% of all small & medium-sized businesses use email as their primary communication channel for customer enlistment and 80% for customer maintenance. 
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More than just a tweet

You probably know Twitter for its short messages with a 280-character limit – a so-called tweet. Twitter is now exploring the opportunity of writing longer posts on its platform. The tech company is testing a new feature called the Twitter Note. The new feature allows users on Twitter to write up to 2500 words in one single post. According to...
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Make your LinkedIn feed more interesting

Do you ever feel like your LinkedIn feed is drowning in irrelevant content that doesn’t add value and productivity for you? LinkedIn is now introducing new features that will give you a more personalized and relevant experience when you scroll through your feed.
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How to succeed with Employee Advocacy

Do you have an Employee Advocacy strategy in your organization? If you haven´t yet implemented one, 2022 might be the year to start thinking about it. In this article, we have gathered seven tips on how to succeed with Employee Advocacy and ensure a successful startup for your Employee Advocacy strategy.
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The complete guide for a SoMe-policy

Having a SoMe-policy in your company is a good way to ensure that your employees behave appropriately on the different SoMe channels. This article presents you with a useful guide on designing a SoMe-policy across your channels.
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